ALTRU Trainings
ALTRU CENTER workshops rest on a simple, fundamental principle: each person is born whole and complete, lacking nothing. So no matter what your race, religion, socioeconomic status, or physical gifts
and challenges, everybody is born complete. The Center provides workshops, continuing education classes, and other learning experiences to support you to rediscover and return to that original wholeness.

Opening Awareness
Daily Schedule
Thursday 6pm - 12:30am
Friday 6pm - 12:30am
Saturday 11am - 12:30am
Sunday 11am - 8:00pm
Ending times are approximate
Upcoming Schedule
Cycle 19: Jan 9-12, 2025
Cycle 20: March 20-23
Part 1 of our training series is about self-discovery. Who are you, once you strip away the trappings of modern life? Which core beliefs further your goals, and which ones limit you? Through exercises, games, lectures, sharing, small group work and close-eyed visualization, students have an opportunity to experience how you respond or react to life. This awareness creates new possibilities, new choices and personal insight which begins to clear a path to a purpose-driven life.
Armenian Hall
630 2nd Ave
New York, NY 10016