ALTRU Trainings
This is not the time to stop or hit pause on transformation. Now, more than ever, the tools ALTRU Center offers are being called upon to lead and inform an empowered & connected community. Therefore, we are offering new, innovative trainings to meet public need and safety while maintaining the precautions of the pandemic. Join us for online, virtual trainings to learn to take on these challenges using the tools of transformation.
ALTRU CENTER workshops rest on a simple, fundamental philosophical principle: each person is born whole and complete, lacking nothing. So no matter what your race, religion, socioeconomic status, or physical gifts and challenges, everybody is born complete. The Center provides workshops, continuing education classes, and other learning experiences to support you to rediscover and return to that original wholeness.
Trainer: Rob Israel
October 8th, 2023 @ 3 PM (3 hours)
Breath is the vehicle to conscious awareness, mindfulness and presence and can also help us access our unconscious and the hidden material that is the basis of our conditioning. In this 3-hour workshop, ALTRU Center co-founder Rob Israel will share the fundamentals of meditation along with various breath exercises that support well-being, manage stress and reset the nervous system. We will then have a facilitated Breathwork session and use conscious connected breathing to explore non-ordinary states of consciousness using a proven, known, safe and drug-free methodology. This technology, while already over 50 years old is just now coming to the forefront of personal growth can take you places that provide clear insight into your identity, your life, your relationships, and your connection with the divine. Join us in this special opportunity to take a deep dive into the mystery of the body, heart, mind and spiritual aspects of who you are.
Moving Body Resources
112 W 27th St, Suite 402
NYC, NY (btwn 6th-7th Avenues)

VB6: April 30 – May 2, 2021
Friday 7pm - 11pm
Saturday 11am - 11pm
Sunday 11am - 8pm
Virtual Breakthrough takes off where Virtual Awareness left off and has created a new standard for what's possible with online trainings. This interactive 3-day training creates an intimate group dynamic and invites each student into a team dynamic, deeper relationship and personal breakthrough. Again, this on-line virtual training is a brand new and distinct training featuring unique and inspired exercises. There will be value created for participants at all levels of their transformational journey but the pre-requisite Virtual Awareness is required. If you are looking to break out of your box and become the person you were meant to be, this training will provide you opportunities to learn, evolve and break through.
THE 4 pillars of every 7-figure business
Regardless of what businesses you’re in, there are only 4 things that matter to growing any business. When you focus on these four pillars, you grow your business exponentially. When you are distracted by anything else, you are doomed to struggle and ultimately fail. How do I know this? I have built and exited two multi-million dollar businesses ($5 million and $25 million in annual revenue) and I’m currently building my first $100 million dollar business using the exact same principles.
There is no such thing as “luck” -- especially in business. We make our luck when “opportunity” meets “preparedness.” Are you prepared to bring your business to the next level? These same pillars work for your first $10K, $100K, $1 million.
Whatever your business, it’s time to take a break from working IN your business and start working ON your business. These 3 hours will help you reframe what truly matters in your business and free you up to work on the only things that create immediate and long term sustainability in any business. Opportunity is knocking. Are you prepared to answer the call? If so, sign up now. If not, be ready to hear about it later from your peers who do.
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $75
Thursday, July 15th
7pm – 10pm
with Bill Carmody
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $75

Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $895
The $195 deposit is non-refundable

Virtual Awareness
VA6: April 10-11, 2021
Saturday 10am - 8pm
Sunday 10am - 8pm
It is with pride and optimism that we introduce ALTRU Center’s newest training, Virtual Awareness: a 2-day experiential, interactive and empowering journey designed for the current social climate. Designed to create a shift into a deeper understanding of responsibility, creativity, and the power of personal vision.
Virtual Awareness draws from the foundation of knowledge that is covered in our in-person Part One: Opening Awareness experiential training, but is an entirely different training. This on-line virtual training is a brand new and distinct training featuring unique and inspired exercises. There will be value created for participants at all levels of their transformational journey and no pre-requisite courses are needed to participate. Being newly designed in the wake of the present global circumstances, please join us for this ground-breaking transformation experience.
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $195
Deposits are non-refundable

Upcoming Program Dates:
VI5: February 27 – May 15, 2021
Dates for VI5:
Weekend 1: February 27–28
Weekend 2: April 17–18
Session 3: May 15 –16
This twelve week program is created to support you in integrating the first two virtual trainings into your everyday life. With a team of coaches to support and encourage, you will create an action plan to take your life to take to the next level. You will grow your leadership skills and see how playing team, focusing out, and being in service also supports you and your goals. This is a tremendous opportunity to have fun, make life-long friendships, stretch into a bigger possibility of who you want to be, and have your aspirations take shape in your daily life. The program includes three weekend trainings and one 1-day value-add session along with multiple coaching opportunities and team activities throughout the week.
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Pandemic Price: $1,595
Deposits are non-refundable

Opening Awareness
Daily Schedule
Thursday 6pm - 12:30 am
Friday 6pm - 12:30am
Saturday 11am - 12:30am
Sunday 11am - 7:30pm
Upcoming Schedule
Cycle 10: TBD
Part 1 of our training series is about self-discovery. Who are you, once you strip away the trappings of modern life? Which core beliefs further your goals, and which ones limit you? Through exercises, games, lectures, sharing, small group work and close-eyed visualization, students have an opportunity to experience how you respond or react to life. This awareness creates new possibilities, new choices and personal insight which begins to clear a path to a purpose-driven life.
Hotel Pennsylvania,
401 7th Ave, NY, NY 10001
Enrollment will re-open when it's safe to gather in groups
Part 2 builds upon the awareness you opened during Part 1 of the training, allowing you to powerfully break through your limiting beliefs and conversations. You’ll reconnect with your purpose and shift your perspective on what is possible, not only in your life, but also in your community. The amazing experiences shared in these 5 days will last a lifetime.
Hotel Pennsylvania,
401 7th Ave, NY, NY 10001
Daily Schedule
Wed - Fri 12pm - 12:30am
Saturday 12pm - 1:30am
Sunday 12pm - 8pm
Upcoming Schedule
Cycle 10: TBD

If you’re tired of the drama, conflict, and disappointment and ready for real, true love and a deep, fulfilling relationship, we welcome you to join us on the journey of creating an enlightened relationship!
This workshop is right for you if:
You want to create your dream relationship or soul mate.
​You want to improve the intimacy, happiness, and depth of your relationship.
You want a relationship that is fulfilling and healthy.
You are ready to stop unwanted patterns and learn a new way of being in a relationship.
Open to all: singles, couples, non-traditional partnerships, married couples, non-binanary, LGBTQ.
Ontological Relationship Coach, Breathworker and facilitator Benicio Farina will share with you how to foster the enlightened relationships that will support you build a context for your ideal relationship.
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $75
Thursday, June 3rd
7pm – 10pm
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $75

Oct 27–29, 2023
Friday 10am - 8:30pm
Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
Sunday 10am - 8:00pm
Masters Course
Join us for a very special event as we host Master Trainer Bettie J. Spruill. The Masters Course is an in-depth experience of the principles of mastery and the practices of living a transformed life of freedom and grace. The workshop presents a thorough philosophical and intellectual framework for transformation. As such, the Masters Course is the foundation on which the Part 1, Part 2, Living Integration and any Graduate Workshops are built. Bettie herself wrote the course based on decades of experience as trainer, facilitator and coach. ALTRU is proud to be the only center in the world to have the author herself teach this course. Don't miss this chance to spend a 3-day weekend learning with the incomparable master herself!
Where: Manhattan, NYC
Price: $695
Deepen your understanding and appreciation of the many ways in which race, ethnicity, and cultural diversity have shaped American institutions, ideology, law, and social relationships from the colonial era to the present.
By exploring race and ethnicity as a dynamic, complex ideological and cultural process that shapes all social institutions, belief systems, and individual experiences (worldview) you will expand your capacity to both love more deeply and live more courageously.
Practices of Transformation
Pausing - noticing the meanings and interpretations with openness and presence.
Embodied mindfulness - slowing down to reflect on the microaggressions of racial biases - to hold them in the context of historical meanings and blindness.
Awareness of the interpretations that have become a matrix and appear to be the truth of oneself and the "Other."
Communicating - speaking and listening that invents realities.
Identity - Source.
By being present at the level of Spirit and Community, I/ We transform.
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $395 (special pandemic price)
Dates and Times TBD
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $395 (special pandemic price)

Upcoming Cycle Dates TBD
TBA per each of the 3 training weekends
The finale of the core 3-part training is the 90-day program which supports you to integrate Parts 1 & 2 into your everyday life. With a team of coaches to support and encourage, you will create an action plan to take your life to take to the next level. You will grow your leadership skills and see how playing team, focusing out, and being in service also supports you and your goals. This is a tremendous opportunity to have fun, make life-long friendships, stretch into a bigger possibility of who you want to be, and have your aspirations take shape in your daily life. The program includes three trainings weekends (Friday evening to Sunday night) plus one Saturday Ropes course along with daily coaching and team activities throughout the week.

June 25–27, 2021
Friday 10am - 8:30pm
Saturday 10am - 8:30pm
Sunday 10am - 8:00pm
Masters Course
Join us for a very special event as we host Master Trainer Bettie J. Spruill. The Masters Course is an in-depth experience of the principles of mastery and the practices of living a transformed life of freedom and grace. The workshop presents a thorough philosophical and intellectual framework for transformation. As such, the Masters Course is the foundation on which the Part 1, Part 2, Living Integration and any Graduate Workshops are built. Bettie herself wrote the course based on decades of experience as trainer, facilitator and coach. ALTRU is proud to be the only center in the world to have the author herself teach this course. Don't miss this chance to spend a 3-day weekend learning with the incomparable master herself!
Where: Online Virtual Zoom Training
Price: $395
Other AlTRU events:
ALTRU Center
7:30 - 9:30 PM EDT
This FREE 2 hour workshop (7:30 – 9:30pm) provides an introduction to Opening Awareness and core three-part training. Come learn about ALTRU Center, our mission, meet some of the folks involved, and have a first-hand experience with the what ALTRU Center workshops can offer YOU.
Online Webinar:

Trance Dance rituals have been happening since ancient times in many cultures. They allow the dancer to take a personal journey of body and spirit. The combination of intention, setting, breathing, rhythms and dancing while blindfolded allows the dancer to experience a profound spiritual journey.
Green Space
37-24 24th St 2nd floor
LIC, NY 11101

Trainer: Aron Myers
May 6, 2023 @ 10 AM
Virtual on Zoom
Are you living the life of your dreams or, masking your real life?
A powerful three-hour interactive workshop.
Learn how to create your optimal life and discover how you may be sabotaging your own success. WE will walk you through the GAP Formula for Success. You will leave this workshop inspired to take your life on and with a clear plan to fill in your GAPs
Growth = Action + Planning

Trainer: Rob Israel
October 8th, 2023 @ 3 PM (3 hours)
Breath is the vehicle to both conscious awareness, mindfulness and presence and also can help us access our unconscious and the hidden material that is the basis of our conditioning. In this 3-hour workshop, ALTRU Center co-founder Rob Israel, will teach the fundamentals of meditation and various breath exercises to support well-being, manage stress and reset the nervous system. We will then have a facilitated Breathwork session and use conscious connected breathing to explore non-ordinary states of consciousness using a proven, known, safe and drug-free methodology. This technology, while already over 50 years old is just now coming to the forefront of personal growth and will take you places that provide clear insight into your identity, your life, your relationships, and your connection with the divine. Join us in this special opportunity to take a deep dive into the unknown and physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of who you are.
Moving Body Resources
112 W 27th St, Suite 402
NYC, NY (btwn 6th-7th Avenues)